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Jó éjszakát ezekkel az elmenyugtató műalkotásokkal, amik papírból vannak!

Pedig nem, annál itt sokkal komolyabbról van szó, még ha nem is hinnénk el elsőre, mivel a fejünkben az óvodai hajtogatások élnek elevenen, ha a papírról és az abból alkotható dolgokról esik szó. Amit itt az origamiművész csinál, az olyan, mintha két lelket kölcsönözne a papírnak: teljesen más a formája, amikor össze van csukva, mint amikor ki van nyitva, de mégis ugyanolyan zseniális és egyenértékű mindkettő változat.

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Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy the new video ? Besides that I’m searching inspiration for the weekend… I dunno, color, idea, pattern… I feel like I’ve explored current topic to the point it became little boring ?(I need to think about something new). Any ideas? By Ideas I mean physical non origami things like say cactus or flower. #origami #tessellation #corrugation #ekaterinalukasheva #kineticsculpture #liveorigami #engineering #papersculpture #movingsculpture #paperart #papermania #sculpture #contemporaryart #asmr

A post shared by Ekaterina Lukasheva (@ekaterina.lukasheva) on

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Happy Friday! Enjoy how fun it moves ? #origami #ekaterinalukasheva #engineering #sculpture #papersculpture #kineticsculpture #corrugation #asmr #purple #violet #happyfriday #mathart #paperart #paperfun #structuredesign

A post shared by Ekaterina Lukasheva (@ekaterina.lukasheva) on

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Let’s have some fun! I was trying my best to film this, but the cat ? ? Watch with sound ? ⠀ #origami #tessellation #corrugation #ekaterinalukasheva #kineticsculpture #catactivity #asmr #asmrfun #paperfolding #engineering #designstructure #papermania #paperlove #papersculpture #sculpture #movingsculpture #おりがみ

A post shared by Ekaterina Lukasheva (@ekaterina.lukasheva) on

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Just decided on the name for this one. I decided to have a separate, special one for this one ? Birth of Life. How do you like it? I like how the polygons swirl into something meaningful ??‍♀️⠀ ⠀ ? Besides origami I feel like I’m in a dishwasher, as the heavy rain produces this sound from the windows ? Not to mention I’m sick ? for a couple of days already. Wish me to get better ? #origami #tessellation #corrugation #ekaterinalukasheva #paperfolding #paperart #papermotion #papermagic #kineticsculpture #spiralmotion #liveorigami #curvedfold #geometricart #design #kineticdesign #mathart #sculpture #papersculpture

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