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Az Instagram-fiók, ami puncit lát mindenben, mégsem tiltották le

Mindenkinek megvan ugye a klasszikus vicc, amikor a pszichológus különböző képeket mutat a páciensnek, és azt kérdezi tőle, mi jut az eszébe róluk? Páciens a sima kört ábrázoló képre azt mondja, az egy pina, a négyzetet ábrázoló képre azt mondja, az is egy pina, aztán amikor a szakember közli vele, hogy talán túl okat gondol a nemi életre, a beteg kifakad:

“Én? Hiszen maga rajzol folyton pinát.”

Mintha egyenesen ez a vicc öltött volna formát a los angelesi Eva Sealove és Chelsea Jones instagram-fiókjában, ahol ilyesmiket látni:

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It hard to grow up as a penip male with traditional expectations of masculinity knowing that, inevitably, you have to be the one solely responsible for “Putting food on the goddamned table!!!” In electing gender equality as queen of the land, pussu females are signing up for this pressure too. This is some red pill ass shit matrix ass shit and we can’t go back. The good news is we don’t have to be helpless anymore and the bad news is we don’t get to be helpless anymore. Ultimately this is the Correct choice, but it’s worth noting that the prospect of true gender equality isn’t just empowering it’s also harrowing as an individual human person, irrespective of gender. Go out there, stay awake, b skrong, everybody (we’re all scared it’s ok). @Jen.claycomb

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Meg ilyesmiket:

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wow look at this pussy

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És ilyesmiket:

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lmao who made this??? but for #real talk tho it’s less about actually growing hairy ass armpits/etc and more about being absolved from the shame a divergent decision a person has made w/r/t their body/gender can incite w/r/t it being wrong or gross. and #furthermore we don’t have to pit (LOL!!!) those whose concerns lie within this realm against issues more pressing. for some v potent expropriation of gender politics pls take note of @thuggerthugger1 who put on a dress again this week and ppl like ‘UR GAY DUDE’ and he’s all “no i’m not gay’ and ‘ULGHH juhjuhHGE’. y’all can’t just chill and let the man look good in a tulle dress ??? @sarahlarnach

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*writes a poem once* lest you despair, beloveds– look up at the sky. tell her your fears, think about your own fragility. the moon is old our hearts are open. the cyclical nature of all things, the earth endlessly spinning atoms endlessly bonded life constantly distending space. question all that’s known, even your own body schema is malleable *hits the blunt once* @valentynakourilova

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FYI intimacy is not a monolithic experience and sometimes you hold within you a little piece or little pieces of someone that belong to only you and satisfy certain ontological needs/desires that mostly just boil down to wanting to care and be cared about and generally it feels nice just to know this person exists in the world [vastness of which not really that tight to think about in terms of potential Deepness of Aloneness] and sometimes you see this person lil face and it makes you want to cry. This a companionship pussy she find comfort in what feels right tag ur friend or ur bae or w/e s/o @lukeygopoopy

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Vagyis sikerült azt a vörösposztó-témát megragadniuk, amit ha a klasszikus módon mutatnak meg a képmegosztón, az minden valószínűség szerint kitiltással jár, de így elvonatkoztatva szabadon és frappánsan tündökölhet a női erogénzónák legcsillogóbb kincsesládikája.

“Szinte nincs olyan dolog, ami ne lenne punci”

– szól a lányok szellemes mottója az Instagram-fiók neve alatt, amit egyébként egy teljesen belsős poénnak indítottak egymás között, de aztán kirügyezett a projekt, és mára 60 ezres követőtábort dagasztottak maguk köré.

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This pussy is a progressive male pussy wanting to do right by female counterpart. Bend ur brain 4 a couple secs and consider males (cis-penip males & otherwise): Pussy making some progress these days (s/0) but with advancement of pussy female/ female gender comes inevitable crisis of masculinity leading to many Q's for males including but not limited to: Am I creepy? Am I the patriarchy (I don't think so bc i try to be Nice guy but perhaps I doth protest too much or some shit?)? Am I useful? Here's the deal, males, if I may be so bold (I may be bc I can do wtvr tf I want duh): The pussy empathize w the struggle to be Correct and Nice male. We do not hate u bc we love ourselves. If u are Nice guy and treat pussy female with Consideration, this is much appreciated and the best way. TY 4 have awareness. Corrective action probably most potent on a 1- 1 level; systemic change happens gradually between individual Humans in relationships so act like a fuckng Human and listen to the ideas of other Humans. V simple. A kiss! to u and ur kin. @mgilmore1112

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A Dazed-nek elmondták azt is, hogy ma már napi 20-60 képet küldenek nekik emberek tárgyakról és jelenségekről, amikben vaginát vélnek felfedezni, a lányoknak így szinte már csak hátradőlve kell kurátorkodniuk a kapott tartalmak felett, amikből igyekeznek tényleg váratlan és zsigeri fotókat kiemelni. Hiszen egy osztrigára túl könnyű ráfogni, hogy a női genitáliára hasonlít, na de egy sereg hangyára?!

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LATP made of ants! This pussy terrifying but beautiful like angelina Jolie. Hey real quick – do you wanna put a thong underwear on your pussy? that’s chill. do u wanna put grandma’s pantie down there, bc maybe you’re like into comfort?? Also v cool. maybe the thong 2 you is comfort? is that more your style? whateve! ur pantie do not define you FYI. Try not to let anyone shame you or tell you what kind of underwear to put on your pussy. Health tip tho just make sure it has a cotton lining 2 let it breathe. As Dr. Kanye West once say, “this is my life homie, u decide yours” s/o @daisyfeatherbotum

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Külön érdekes egyébként, hogy a számos dicséret és vidám komment mellett olyan kritikákat is kaptak, hogy férfigyűlölők, valamint olyan bullshitet, hogy de-szexualizálják a vaginát. Mindkettőt tagadták, szeretik a férfiakat és szeretik a szexet is.

Csak éppen rendelkeznek humorral. Hát ilyen is van!

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Look: it's a Vagina Dentata (I could say more about mythology, paranoia, urban dysphoria, etc. about being lost and maybe never found, about Portland, a pun or two about treasure maps and booty, about how she lives somewhere downtown, and maybe even some topical shit about dental coverage and healthcare but I'll STFU instead get it shut the fuck up that's a vagina dentata joke too) by @Mestreeter via a San Franciscan who prefers to remain anonymous.

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