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Na ne: már van Berghainba bejutós kártyajáték is

Miután már a bejutásszimulátorral már gyakorolhattuk a Berghainba való bebocsáttatást (a hírhedt berlini techno klubban legendásan szigorú a face control), most végre játékosabb terepre evezhetünk.

Készült egy kártyajáték Berghain ze Game néven, aminek végre nem ugyanaz a célja, mint minden, a berlini teknószentélyhez kapcsolódó missziónak. Most ugyanis nem Sven Marquardt-on kell átjutni, hanem az ő szerepét kell felvenni.

A kitalálók nem túl bő leírása szerint a játék során a megfelelő embereket kell beengednünk a klubba, közben pedig a melegkultúráról is szerezhetünk ismereteket. Ennek megfelelően a rózsaszín kártyákon lévő meleg figurák érnek legtöbbet, míg leginkább a lila színű turistákat kell elküldeni.

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We'll be showing close ups and better explaining the cards and game play soon but to start things off, here's an overview of Berghain ze Game prototype 5! There's Action Cards, Guest Cards, and of course a bouncer. There are five categories of guests, the pink (gay) guests are worth the most. How often does that happen! Well it does here. ✌️#berghainzegame #berghain #techno #boardgames #boardgame #bgg #guillotine #productdesign #gaysofinstagram #gaysnap #bergnein

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Sneak peek! Guests in line score between -2 and +5. There are five guest categories and the pink cards are the most valuable. Here's an EXCLUSIVE first look at the Leather Daddy. #berghainzegame #berghain #techno #boardgames #boardgame #bgg #guillotine #productdesign #gaysofinstagram #gaysnap #bergnein

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New exclusive sneak peek! The Fag Hag is pretty powerful in of herself but also increases the value of ALL of your pink guests, like Cubs and Bears. This is a first example of how different guest cards can interact with each other. #berghainzegame #berghain #techno #boardgames #boardgame #bgg #guillotine #productdesign #gaysofinstagram #gaysnap #bergnein

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Exclusive sneak peek of the Ketamine Fiend! As you can see, the game has a bit of a surrealistic tone. And as for the reference, those of you who know, know. ? Note that this guest card has an action on it, refilling your Action Cards on hand. (Guests in line score between -2 and +5. There are five guest categories and the blue cards are a wonderful mix of characters) #berghainzegame #berghain #techno #boardgames #boardgame #bgg #guillotine #productdesign #gaysofinstagram #gaysnap #bergnein

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The purple guests are the worst! Nobody likes a tourist. (Guests in line score between -2 and +5. There are five guest categories and the purple cards are the least valuable.) #berghainzegame #berghain #techno #boardgames #boardgame #bgg #guillotine #productdesign #gaysofinstagram #gaysnap #bergnein

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