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Furcsa minimalista trend terjed a könyvtulajdonosok között

Az emberiség egyik utolsó általános közmegegyezése volt, hogy egy könyvespolc, legyen az akármilyen összevisszán tarka, jól néz ki. Most azonban egyre több dizájn és kultblog ír egy több éve indult, de mostanában besűrűsödő trendről, miszerint

Egyes könyvtulajdonosok fordítva teszik be a polcra a könyveiket, hogy egységesebb látványt nyújtsanak.

Igen, jogos a kérdés, hogy akkor hogyan a fenében találnak meg bármilyen könyvet, ha véletlen szükség van rá? Hát lassabban, az biztos. A #backwardsbooks insta-címke alól szedtünk össze néhányat. Rögtön az első, még 2014-ből:

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I'm in love with bright rooms & gold accents. Entertainment centers are always tricky to me (lindsey speaking) because you don't want them to be too cluttered, but such a fun place to display some #prettythings. A helpful tip is to turn your books backwards to make the color scheme a bit more neutral. I recommend using the books you were gonna sell at that next garage sale! #gold #interiordesign #backwardsbooks #bookshelfideas #bookshelves #aworkinprogress #decorate #lindseysfirstpicture #newhouse #whiteandbright #lotstodo

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The #backwardsbooks trend is the latest iteration of the neutrals trend and people on the internet love to hate it! So I tried it out with my own bookshelf and I want to hear your reactions! Love the neutral look? Or hate the inefficiency? Cast your vote in the comments! #?#? (?and design are my own) #interiorjoy #HowYouHome

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Goals ☝???for my next unplugged weekend, backwards ? books all displayed in my library. After our recent trip to Highpoint we noticed this trendy take throughout the showrooms of NC at Market ?? ?Bloglovin . . . . #goals #weekendprojects #backwardsbooks #library #display #bookworm #reading #allfacetheback #novels #rainydays #unplugged #diy #weekendwarrior #organize #display #trendy

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Looks over books. Neat decor idea but backward facing books? What do you think? ?? – #reversedbooks #bookshelfdecor #decorinspo #backwardsbooks #decortrends #bookclub #readingissexy #readmore

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I discovered the other day (via a text from a friend) that a couple of my Instagram photos were featured on BuzzFeed. I started to get really excited until I went to the article and realized that they were actually poking fun at people who style their books backwards. Oh well, @buzzfeed thanks for the shout out regardless. #youwinsomeyoulosesome #istilllovebackwardbooks ?❤️

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It can be fun tidying up the office, trying to avoid study! Bookshelf rearrangement is of course in order!! . . . . It was Bookmark and Book for #rfabseptember17 and Pretty Endpages for #septemberlibrary17 . . . . #book #books #bookstagram #bookpages #pages #bookmark #bookmarks #booksandbookmarks #booksandbooks #backwardsbooks #bookendpages #endpages #prettyendpaper #seriesofunfortunateevents #prettybooks #bookworm #bookaddict #reader #reading #bookphotography

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Librerie con i libri collocati al contrario, la nuova moda. Questo risparmia la vergogna di ricordarci cosa abbiamo comprato, mentre ridurre da molti a uno soltanto i colori principali della libreria (seppur con sfumature) rende più piacevole alla vista l'immagine. Se aggiungiamo che quasi sempre un libro viene letto una volta sola, e mai più, non serve sapere dove sia. Ineccepibile. Foto di: Fernanda Marques #librisulibri #librialcontrario #libreria #libri #librerie #leggerefabene #bookporn #bookstagram #backwardsbooks

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When the look and style of a space is more important than being able to find a book by title. #backwardsbooks #solovely #gallerywall @natasha.designs

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#sundayshelfie not the most practical bookshelf design I've ever trialled, but I loved it while it lasted!

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