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Így áll ki a Gucci abortuszhoz fűződő jogok mellett

Alessandro Michele, a luxusmárka kreatív igazgatója a brand legutóbbi, Cruise 2020-as divatshowján fogta magát, és teljes melszéllességgel beleállt a női jogok szupportálásába. Ami kifejezetten szép dolog egy ekkora pénztermelő óriástól, aminek minden rezdülését milliók figyelik.

Itt van a show egyik meghatározó darabja, ami az Olaszországban 1978. május 25-én meghozott abortuszt legalizáló törvény dátumát hordozza magán:

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Moments before the #GucciCruise20 fashion show unfolding at Rome’s Capitoline Museums @museiincomuneroma, a look with ‘22.5.78’ refers to the date established of the Italian statute for the social protection of motherhood and the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, better known as statute 194. This jacket is created from @alessandro_michele’s continuing vision of freedom, equality and self-expression. Since founding @chimeforchange in 2013—the global campaign that represents and advocates for gender equality—@gucci has a longstanding commitment to women and girls by funding projects around the world to support sexual and reproductive rights, maternal health, and the freedom of individual choice. Because none of us can move forward if half of us are held back. Learn more about the global partners for sexual and family health rights the campaign is donating to in 2019, which can be found in @chimeforchange’s link in bio. #AlessandroMichele #MuseiCapitolini

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Ezt meg nem kell magyarázni – a my body my choice eredetileg egyébként egy feminista szlogen a hetvenes évekből:

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‘My Body My Choice’ is a feminist slogan from the 70s which appears on the reverse of this jacket seen before the #GucciCruise20 fashion show by @alessandro_michele. This piece echoes the Creative Director’s continuing vision of freedom, equality and self-expression. Since founding @chimeforchange in 2013—the global campaign that represents and advocates for gender equality—@gucci has a longstanding commitment to women and girls by funding projects around the world to support sexual and reproductive rights, maternal health, and the freedom of individual choice. Learn more about the global partners for sexual and family health rights the campaign is donating to in 2019, which can be found in @chimeforchange’s link in bio. @museiincomuneroma #AlessandroMichele #MuseiCapitolini

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