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Ránézel ezekre, és azt mondod, te is tervezhetted volna Aphex Twin logóit

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NUMBER 3 presents APHEX TWIN LOGO CONSTRUCTION It is exactly 25 years since the release of Selected Ambient Works – February 12th 1992. The original Aphex Twin logo was drawn by hand using circle templates and rulers in late 1991. With there being many incorrect versions of this logo floating about, I thought it about time to release the definitive logo construction. Enjoy. Designed by Paul Nicholson, 1991. Number 3 – #Aphex #AphexTwin #SelectedAmbientWorks #R&S #Logo #LogoDesign #GraphicArt #GraphicDesign #CreativeConsultant #Number3 #3 #III

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Huszonöt éve jelent meg Aphex Twin első klasszikus nagylemeze, a klasszikusnál is klasszikusabb Selected Ambient Works 85-92. Ennek a negyedszázados fordulónak az örömére a híres absztrakt AF-logó megálmodója, Paul Nicholson megosztotta instán azt, hogy miként tervezte a logót.

“Annyi hibás verzió köröz a logóból, úgy érzem, itt az ideje megmutatni a definitív tervezetet.”

– vallotta Nicholson, és a szót tett követte, aminek az eredményét mi meg szépen beágyazzuk mindenki okulására, néhány másik, általa tervezett tipó társaságában.

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NUMBER 3 presents APHEX TWIN LOGOTYPE CONSTRUCTION It is exactly 25 years since the release of Selected Ambient Works – February 12th 1992. The lettering that reads Aphex Twin, the logotype, was drawn by hand using circle templates and rulers in late 1991. With there being many incorrect versions of this lettering floating about, I thought it about time to release the definitive logo construction. Enjoy. Designed by Paul Nicholson, 1991. Number 3 – #Aphex #AphexTwin #SelectedAmbientWorks #R&S #Logo #LogoDesign #Logotype #Branding #GraphicArt #GraphicDesign #CreativeConsultant #Number3 #3 #III

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NUMBER 3 presents THE APHEX TWIN TYPEFACE Based on the Aphex Twin logotype, this typeface was intended for the sleeve of Xylem Tube, released in June 1992.  Richard and I had started working on some ideas for the sleeve, but due to miscommunication, R&S went ahead and created 'Star Fish' artwork. The typeface remained unused. OTF and TTF font files will be available soon. Designed by Paul Nicholson, 1992. Remastered 2015. Number 3 – #Aphex #AphexTwin #SelectedAmbientWorks #R&S #Logo #LogoDesign #Logotype #Branding #GraphicArt #GraphicDesign

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NUMBER 3 presents THE APHEX TWIN TYPEFACE Based on the Aphex Twin logotype, this typeface was intended for the sleeve of Xylem Tube, released in June 1992.  Richard and I had started working on some ideas for the sleeve, but due to miscommunication, R&S went ahead and created 'Star Fish' artwork. The typeface remained unused. OTF and TTF font files will be available soon. Designed by Paul Nicholson, 1992. Remastered 2015. Number 3 – #Aphex #AphexTwin #SelectedAmbientWorks #R&S #Logo #LogoDesign #Logotype #Branding #GraphicArt #GraphicDesign

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