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Ez a grafikus két éven át rávette magát, hogy minden nap alkosson valami kreatívat, ma már a Nike-nak dolgozik

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#tbt to one of my favourite posters! Promo for @keller_samara font Start Grotesk. Let me know what you think? #designinspiration #logoinspiration #logonew #designspiration #graphicroozane #simplycooldesign #gfxmob #visualgraphc #graphicdesignstudent #graphicdesignblg #Typographydesign #typographyclub #typographydaily #typographyinspire #typographyporn
#goodtype #thedailytype #itsnicethat #typeverything #typespire #alphabet #goodtype #typographyinspired #typo #typography #typophilia #font #typetopia

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

A svájci Stefan Hürlemann esette szépen példázza azt az alapvetést, amivel mindenkinek tisztában kéne lenne, vagyis: ha igazán elhivatott vagy, és kiszáradásig-térdrogyásig beleteszed a lelkedet valamibe, akkor az meg fog térülni.

Hürlemann ugyanis kemény kihívás elé állította magát: minden áldott nap alkotnia valami kreatívat az Instagramra. Mármint a rendes munkaidején túl.

Amiről azt mondta el a Reddit vonatkozó grafikusi fórumában, hogy

“Rávenni magamat erre minden nap elég húzós volt az elején, de végül tonnányit tanultam belőle, egy csomó nagyszerű emberrel találkoztam, és elég nagyot fejlődött a munkamorálom.”

Alig egy év eltelte és sok érdeklődő követő összeszedése után pedig elkezdtek potyogni a kérdések kreatív ügynökségektől, hogy esetleg dolgozna-e nekik szabadúszóként. És a levélírók között ott volt a Nike egyik munkatársa is. Mára Hürlemann már ilyen kampányokon dolgozott (itt mint tipográfus):

Hát ezért érdemes beleállni a Dolgokba.

És akkor még pár munka a siker svájci kovácsától és példamutatójától:

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New @blank_poster ! Wasn't sure what to do honestly as all other color choices didn't look as good. Swipe right for details, this time it's a rather dirty noise? #typeposter #letterpress #gradient #graphicdesign #graphic_designer #noise #pattern #typelover #typographydesign #typenerd #type365 #typeart #typedaily #rgb #glitchart #swissdesign

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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For #throwbackthursday (and because I'm really busy right now?), here's one of my oldest @blank_poster Word is break. Playing with torn up paper and broken type. Which color version do you like the most? #typeposter #colourpop #typelover #glitchart #glitch #swissdesign #printisntdead #printdesign #condensedtype #helvetica

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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Second version, going full @guccimaze with this edit. #typographicposter #typographic#typeposter #typeinspire #posterlabs#posteraday #typelover #printisntdead#goodtype #swissdesign #swissposter

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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Testing… not too happy with these. Tell me which one you like better!? #typographicposter #typographic #typeposter #typeinspire #posterlabs #posteraday #typelover #printisntdead #goodtype #swissdesign #swissposter

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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@keller_samara and my entry for adobe‘s creative jam! The theme was a quote from Hugo Ball, which we worked into a poster series, only using @keller_samara s typefaces. We didn‘t win but it was a great deal of fun. Congrats also to @katharinanejdl and @carommell for their great winning project! Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments? #typographicposter #typecollect #typographic #typeposter #typeinspire #posterlabs #posteraday #typelover #printisntdead #condensedtype #goodtype #swissdesign #swissposter

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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Last repost for a while (hopefully). I was really busy the last few days, but I still wanted to show the people that give me all this amazing support something to look at every day. Hope you don't mind. Here is one of my favourite @blank_poster word is link. #designinspiration #designspiration #graphicroozane #simplycooldesign #gfxmob #visualgraphc #graphicdesignstudent #graphicdesignblg #Typographydesign #typographyclub #typographydaily #typographyinspire #typographyporn
#goodtype #thedailytype #itsnicethat #typeverything #typespire #alphabet #goodtype #typographyinspired #typo #typography #typophilia #gradient

A post shared by Stefan Hürlemann (@stefanhuerlemann) on

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PARTY #blankposter concept 1 Font: Start Grotesk (in progress) #poster #goodtype #thedailytype #itsnicethat #typeverything #typespire #alphabet #goodtype #typographyinspired #typo #typography #typophilia #font #graphicdesign #graphics #designinspiration #typetopia #strengthinletters #danktype

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